Speaker Bureau: Odai Quaye

Odai Quaye is an English graduate and one of the founding Citizens of the Autistic Empire. He lives in London.

Producer/Co-host of Audible Autism, an autonomous project of the Autistic Empire, showcasing autistic lives and autistic issues, with over 40 episodes released.

Speaker in regards to the intersections of race, class and disability.

Available to give talks/seminars in person (London or reasonable travel costs imbursed) or online.


  • Cast Down Your Bucket: Black, Autistic and Unemployed

This presentation can between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the depth requested.

A version of this talk delivered at the Haringey Autism Hub in December 2023 can be viewed on the Autistic Empire YouTube channel.

Contact the Speakers Bureau to book Odai at office at autisticempire.com.